"....that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike—and yet it is the most precious thing we have."
Albert Einstein.
Space-time or space and time.
The concept of space and time was developed by Einstein.
The theory of relativity unifies space over time, taking "The speed of light as an absolute value", (Speed will be identical with respect to any of the observers of the Universe).The theory based on the existence of a means of propagation - The existence of the ether - raises new ways of approaching these two very different entities, "the space and time";.
Space is where events occur, and it has three dimensions.
Time is the correlation of events.
The importance of defining space and time is in the need to unify the measures and data that have the potential inhabitants or settlers of the Universe, whatever their size and place in which they inhabit.
Imagine the laboratory of a hypothetical spacecraft, and that this spacecraft can be in very different places, such as:
- In a space far away from other masses
- In a space close to large masses, such as a large planet or a star.
- At rest, with the environment, not moving
- In acceleration, from a soft acceleration to a very strong acceleration
- Moving, being at a moderate speed or at a very high speed.The measurements and data of this hypothetical laboratory must have meaning and validity in any of the places where it is.
Physics developed by scientists must follow laws that can be formulated and tested in each of the different places.
The laws and physical experiences that these scientists have, must be able to share them and exchange them with the rest of scientists that may exist in another place of the Universe, be inhabitants of a planet that is light years, are inhabitants of the interior of a star or people of a comet and even have to be able to exchange data with possible inhabitants at atomic level.Einstein was one of the pioneers who raised these and other physical issues. With this form of reasoning, Einstein unified gravity and inertia, imagining the scientists of a hypothetical spacecraft in a windowless laboratory where the taking of data of an acceleration was not different from the taking of data in a gravitational field.
Einstein's reasonings are a hundred years, a century, and, despite the advances made, they have not yet been surpassed, at least with reasonings as simple as those he did.
When Einstein raised these hypotheses, it was not yet proven that matter is practically hollow. It is incredible the imagination of this genius.
The speed of light as an absolute value, for all observers, is not valid for this theory of the existence of the etherino, we are going to rethink the concept of space and of time
Space and time are totally different entities, we will analyze them without relating them and then we will unify them in a concept that have validity both for space and for time and serves for all possible systems and observers of the universe.
Einstein is the one who best poses, for me, concepts such as; action at the distance, zero inertial point, and some other concept that maybe few have raised, (If you have come to read this is because you have understood or want to understand, so I would advise you to read Einstein and see the incredible deductions that comes in an era where it was not yet clear the existence of the atomic world).
All the information comes from a distance. Even when we say that we touch this or that, it is a euphemism, since there is a great distance between the atom of our finger and the atom of the object to touch.
To those who populate the space, we, all the information reaches us at a distance, and they are brought by messengers that cross space and come from the objects that surround us. Also these messengers depart from us and go to the objects around us.
These messengers are electromagnetic waves or other energy that reaches our retina in the form of light, to our skin in the form of pressure, heat or other form of energy or force.
We live in space, but we can not measure space.

We can only count the messengers that depart and we can measure the time between messenger and messenger, and we can measure the time between the departure, or arrival, of a messenger to another.
We live in space, but we can only measure time. Space is a measure that we intuit, but we can not obtain directly. Our standard measure of space, the meter, we mark with respect to the measure of time, "distance traveled by messengers in one second".
If the messengers, who depart and come to us, were intelligent, they can transmit erroneous information from space, deceive us, and we would have no way of verifying it.
We live in a space surrounded by a fog that prevents us from knowing the space that surrounds us, however, we can measure the times and the number of messengers that leave and arrive, we can know of the objects that surround us by the time that the messengers take and by the direction in which they leave and arrive.

Imagine that there were other inhabitants who can accompany the messengers in their movement through space.
These inhabitants or space travelers can only measure distances.
The time they can intuit, but can not obtain it directly, they can only count the number of messengers in space and check the distances that separate the messengers (to know how many boats are between swimmer and swimmer)
In the distance relationship, there are two entities:
- An entity is static in space and can only measure times.
- The other entity is always moving through space and can only measure distances.
Paradoxes of the Universe:
Space dwellers can only measure times.
Time dwellers can only measure spaces.
The unification of space over time, is obtained by joining the data collection of the two entities.
Those who live in the masses measure the number of messengers that depart and arrive, as well as the times of departure, arrival and time between messenger and messenger.
Number of messengers = total time / time separating messengersThose who accompany the messengers, move in space, measure the number of messengers in space and the distance between messenger and messenger.
Number of messengers = total distance / distance between messengers
Joining the two measures yields a physical measure that serves to relate the two entities.
This new unit of measure is not testable by either entity separately, since one entity can measure time, but not space, and the other entity can measure space, but not time.
The physical unit resulting from the space/time relationship is called velocity.
For those who have not raised these issues will sound illogical this conclusion.
To Einstein, in this subject very few understand, and it is by the theme, apparently absurd that nevertheless it is the central axis of the Physics.
In distance action, we make the concept of "distance" useful for everyday use, but science does not have "distance" units of measure because it can not mark a universal valid pattern.
The measurement patterns of the distance are marked by means of the route of a certain type of messengers in a determined time.
- Galactic distances are measured by light years.
- The "meter" distance is measured by the space occupied by a number of waves which emits a certain material.
Such concepts of "action at a distance, space, time, velocity" are so important that without conceptualizing them and without marking the validity of their units of measurement, we can not exchange experiences with hypothetical intelligent beings from distant places.