Reaction to the action of neutral particles above matter
Every action has a reaction.
In the impact of the etherino on the basic electric particles of matter, the etheric dissociates in its two electrical components, a positive electric particle and negative electric particle that will move in the same direction, but in the opposite senti.
When an etherino strikes an electric particle of matter, it does so at a tremendous speed.
The etherino is stopped by a magnetic field:
- For the etherino there is no electric field.
- For the etheric what moves at enormous speed is the electric particle (relative observation).
- Of an electric particle that moves at high speed, what is observed is the magnetic field, that the particle generates in its displacement.
Ver ==> Electromagnetic fields.
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Figure 8 When an etheric strikes an electric particle of matter, it does so at a tremendous speed. The etherino is stopped by a magnetic field.
figure 9 As in an electric generator, the movement is transformed into electric particles that move in the same direction, but in the opposite sense, there are three fields that have angles with ninety degrees out of phase between them:
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Figure 10 The transformation of etherino, neutral particle, into an electric particle takes place in a space with three very specific dimensions:
Being the three fields - motion, displacement particles, magnetic field - Out of phase in ninety degrees among them.
The neutral particle of the etherino is transformed into two electrical particles and it does it inside the matter, inside the atoms.

Figura 11
- The impact reaction Is the transformation of neutral particle into electric particle.
- It stops being a neutral particle to transform itself into two electric particles.
- The matter, or the electrical component of matter, transforms the neutral ether into electric ether.
- The electric ether is born in matter and spreads into the universe.
- Neutral ether is transformed into electric ether.
The transformation of neutral ether into electric ether makes possible the effects described in the previous chapter; supergravity, gravity and minigravity.
Inside the atom millions of neutral particles disappear.
The new particles are not neutral and therefore can not traverse the matter so easily.
Being electrical particles, they are interfere at distance with the rest of the electric particles.
Inside the atom millions of new electric particles are generated That do not achive to leave at outside by affect each other and even interfere with the electrical particles of matter.
Speed is used in rotate of some particles around the others, Until they reach the outside and now in a fraction of a sigh they will be at the other end of the universe.
Strong atomic force
The atom, in its interior, is saturated of the electrical particles that are generated continuously.
Inside the atom, saturated with electric ether, it is very probable that two electrically opposite particles are found and transformed back into an etherino.
Some of the electric particles are transformed back into a neutral particle.
It is a phenomenon of electromagnetic character, inside the atom, of short duration.
This phenomenon can be identified as the strong nuclear force, Electromagnetic force of very limited action, very inside the atom and for a short period of time.
Figura 12 The atom, in its interior, is saturated of the electrical particles that are continuously generating. Inside the atom, saturated with electric ether, it is very probable that two electrical particles of opposite sign meet and reconfirm again in an etherino. Some of the electrical particles, they return to become neutral particle. Es un fenómeno muy corto electromagnético, ocurre dentro del átomo. Muy profundo dentro del átomo, hay un fenómeno electromagnético de duración muy corta. |
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Energy, conceptual energy
Some of the particles generated will have an ephemeral existence, strong nuclear force, but most of the particles generated will remain trapped inside the atom and interact with the rest of the electric particles in the atom.
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Figure 13 The high speed of new electric particles, will spend on moving:
It forms a particle of bigger size and lower speed, although of equal electric charge. |
Figura 14 Another possible formation may be several charges of a sign rotating around a charge of opposite sign. The whole is a much larger particle, which on the outside manifests the equivalent of several electric charges. It would be a particle of higher order that moves at a slower speed, part of the speed uses it in rotating some electric charges on the other electric charges. |
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In the interior of the matter, of the atom, electric charges are generated that:
- some particles expand into the universe in basic structures (electric ether)
- other particles, most of them, will find themselves trapped within atoms and matter, interacting with the rest of the electrical particles, both of matter and of the other particles generated (energy).
When the masses are small, the structures obtained are very small, so they will be undetectable electrical particles, particles only detected by the logic, conceptual particles.
We classify them as conceptual energy.
When the masses are huge, like a star, the structures of the generated electric particles reach such a huge structural level, megastructures, that his speed of displacement is only of Three hundred thousand kilometers per second.
La acción de las partículas neutras produce efectos neutros, gravidades, la reacción es de carácter electromagnético, la energía.
- Action gravity
- Reaction energy
Matter generates energy, undetectable in small masses,very visible in large masses, All stars emit visible energy.
In the interior of large masses one reaches such a high level of energy, the mass is so energized that when a portion of mass reaches the exterior of the mass, much of it expands to the universe as energy and part is defined as matter.
There are two types of ether or two means of propagation:
- Un neutral ether Which produces supergravity, gravity and minigravity, fills the space.
- Un electromagnetic ether, which produces strong force atomic and energy, is generated inside the masses.
Inside the large masses the neutral ether decreases and increases the electromagnetic ether or energy.
The plasma
In the interior of the great masses, matter is very energized, or energy reaches a structural value so high that it is almost matter.
In the great masses of the universe its interior is of plasma, matter very energized or the energy is almost mass.
In the small masses the matter is very defined, there is no energy or the energy is in the primary state.
The basic forces have been visualized and interpreted, visualizing and interpreting the phenomena and their interconnection.
It is a novelty to be able to visualize the basic forces and the relationship between them.
It is novel to give reality to our intellect of what before were concepts.
With this novel interpretation it would be interesting to start work on new assessments of inertia, gravity, zero inertial point . . means of propagation, etc . . . nevertheless the most important, the most suggestive idea is:
Energy is born and created in matter
An exciting subject and, at the moment, as striking as "the General Unification of Physics"
The analyzed until now is understood, makes sense and coincides with the reality that we observe and understand.
The interpretation that energy is generated in matter advises to continue with this exploration in search of the relation of energy and matter, as well as trying to find a more complete interpretation of energy.
The following chapter gives us new interpretations of energy+.