Matter and energy in the universe
Ether, matter and energy.
The ether in movement is the one that fills the space.
Matter only occupies a tiny part of space, behaves as an impurity of space that transforms a very small part of the neutral movement, neutral particles moving, in electromagnetic movement
We can consider matter as an impurity that transforms the ether into energy.
In the matter the electric ether is generated.
Matter transforms the neutral movement of the ether into electric motion.
In the previous chapters we have seen the action, and the reaction, which have neutral ether particles when they impact against the electrical structure of matter.
The new interpretation, from the transformation of the neutral movement into electromagnetic movement, leads us to rethink the concept of energy and matter.
The interaction of ether and matter will not be the same in deep space, far from others mass, such as a meteorite, to the interaction inside a huge mass, such as the center of a star.
We analyze the different masses, according to their size, from lowest to highest.
Action of the ether on meteorites.
A portion of matter, such as a small stone found in deep space, away from other masses, will be at its lowest energy level. At this hypothetical minimum level of energy we will call it stellar cold.
The electric particles of the ether that are generated in this small mass, easily reach the outside of the mass, being a matter with energy of practically zero.
It will be a pure matter with the properties of superconductivity or super-insulation, Of the way the material behaves at very low temperatures.
Action of the ether on the asteroids.
A large mass, the size of a some kilometers, is already a considerable mass of trillions and trillions of atoms, reason why it makes possible that the electrical particles of the ether that is generated in its interior can not leave to the outside with facility, they are being held captive, the electric particles accumulate and the energy level increases (increase in the structural formation of the electric particles).
In the interior of these large masses the neutral ether is going down of level - they have impacted many particles - and the electric ether goes up of level, many particles are generated that does not reach the outside with facility.
Think of an asteroid of a size so that its core reaches the temperature corresponding to an energy level of 180 ° C (453 ° K Kelvin).
Imagine that the hypothesis is true that matter generates energy in its interior, in the center of the asteroid will be the highest energy level.
Biological level, biological life
Between the 453ºK level, which we assume has the core, and the minimum external energy level, the lowest energy level of the asteroid, stellar cold, they are will happen different intermediate levels.
We are interested in an internal point such that its energy level is 37.4ºC.
Assuming this is true, we have it on the big asteroids and a few kilometers from the surfaceThere are 37.4º centigrade, immutable characteristics in millions of years and isolated from other interactions-This is possible by the amount of kilometers of matter-. It would be the ideal incubator, 37.4 ° C for an eternity.
Under the described conditions, the carbon and hydrogen atoms in these layers are combined into molecules, so that feasible the existence of biological life in a wide layer, very deep inside the asteroid.

Figure 15
An asteroid of several kilometers, hundreds, produces in its interior energy.
The energy levels will be distributed; From the maximum level in the center, to the minimum level - stellar cold - on the outer surface of the asteroid.
Between the center and the outside, if the asteroid is large enough, there will be a fringe with the energy level of 37.4 ° C.
This energy level will keep the temperature constant for billions of years, which encourages the interaction of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms .
In this energy strip, 30 or 40 kilometers inside the asteroids, it is feasible the development of organic life.
The first thing It occurs to us is that the great asteroids will be the perfect spaceships, true Noah's Ark. It has free energy inside and offers a protective layer of several kilometers, are protected from the impacts of meteorites.
Deadly biological level
We can dream that it is possible to live inside the asteroids and build tunnels that are used to move around the asteroid, but there is a danger.
Just as we have imagined an immutable level of 37.4 ° C, we have to think that further into the asteroid the energy level increases.
From 40.5 ° C is a deadly energy level for the most developed biological beings.
If we expose our body to the energetic level of 42ºC, both outside and inside temperature, we get instantaneous death, coagulation of red blood cells.
We can never penetrate the interior of the great masses beyond a few kilometers.
Action of the ether on the moons.
The celestial bodies, the size of the Earth's moon or the moon of Mars, is so large that the energy produced by the etherino reaches within them an energy value of hundreds of degrees Celsius,the material of its core being in a pasty state between solid and liquid.
The pasty state in which matter lies within the moons, at a temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius, allows the movement of these interior masses but very slowly.
Moons, like the rest of celestial bodies, tend to rotate on themselves (due to gravitational, magnetic attraction forces, etc.) and having the nucleus in a pasty state, the rotation produces a slow, non-fluid movement of its interior, so that its gravitational center is displaced.
The moons to have displaced the center of gravity, show the same face to the planet on which they orbit -recorded as minigravity-.
Depending on the size:
The small moons, low mass, have low temperature in its interior, reason why dominates the matter in solid state and they do not arrive to have totally spherical form. They show the same face to the planet to which they orbit.
The median moons have the nucleus with the matter in the pasty state, reason why, although they can take the spherical form, they do not have the fluid interior. They show the same face to the planet to which they orbit.
Larger moons have higher energy levels so their interior is fluid and they can rotate freely on their axis.
Here, an explanation has been presented, in summary form, of the differential behavior of the moons.
Moons, like the asteroids, have in their interior, several kilometers of their surface, the biological levels.
Being able to generate and maintain organic life between energy levels from 10ºC to 40ºC, a broad layer.
Action of the ether on the planets.
The planets have a size such that the energy produced by the etherino in its interior, maintain it in a liquid state, and even in a state of plasma, giving it the spherical shape and allowing the planet to freely rotate.
The surface of the planets emits huge amounts of primary energy, on the giant planets these levels of primary energy can reach the level of infrared.
The surface of the planets is in a solid state in a thin layer.
The energy radiating from the surface is sufficient to maintain a thin layer below the temperature at which the material is liquefied.
On the surface of our planet the lowest energy level is 0 ° Kelvin (-273.4 ° C) and as the size of the planet is considerable we have to assume that 0 ° K is well above the stellar cold, As it corresponds to the emission of energy of a planet that has an appreciable mass.
The planets also have biological levels inside them, but the layer between the surface and the liquefaction temperatures is very thin, there are earthquakes, radioactivity,
etc., Make biological levels last only a few thousand years, turning many of these levels into "organic fossils" . . . petroleum?.
The solid part of the Earth has a thickness between 20 and 70 kilometers, is a very narrow layer so the biological layer remains unchanged a short period of time, only hundreds or thousands of years.
The Earth is our planet, as we have data and values of energy, levels and temperature, will be developed in a separate, at the end of this exploration. We have:
- Energy level of emission, 0ºK, level well above the stellar cold.
- Temperature of the atmosphere, generated by radiation outside the planet, the Sun.
- Temperatures and heat of the liquid matter of the interior of the planet, volcanoes.
- Energy from chemical and atomic reactions (combustion and radioactivity).
In an aside, and taking into account what was seen in the study, we will analyze the complex and new issue of; energy, temperature y energy level, From the technical point of view, seeking answers to the multitude of facts observed and without explanation. Compton effect will be included.
RadioactivityThe nucleus of medium-sized planets, like our planet Earth, reaches temperatures of thousands of degrees. The characteristics of the ether in the interior are very different from the characteristics that the ether has in the outer layers.
The interaction of the neutral ether and the energetic ether is very different. In the interior the neutral ether that interacts with matter has diminished, and the energy ether is very high.
Having a lower neutral ether and higher energy ether, Makes it possible for the nucleus to exist matter with atoms that in the outer layers of the planet become unstable atoms.
When this matter of the nucleus moves to the outer layers, these atoms are unstable causing that matter to be radioactive.
In the interior of the planets, with more than 5,000 kilometers of atoms, of matter, in any direction, the neutral ether has been reduced and the energy ether increased, having an amalgam of highly energized matter.
The matter of the center of the planets has to their atoms with very energetic structures that in the outer layers are not stable.
The energy in the core of the planet is so high that it reaches the level of ion, energy level that is closer to matter than to energy.
That is to say that in the interior one finds energy almost matter or matter almost energy to which we will call plasma.
It is an assumption or is the most probable fact, since we can never prove it directly.
Although we want to reproduce the conditions of the center of the Earth in a laboratory, the proportions of neutral ether and energetic ether are out of our checking capacity.
Is another hypothesis to add to the existing hypotheses.
Action of the ether on the stars
The stars and the suns are of such a size that the energy, which the etherino produces in its interior, maintains its surface at a temperature of thousands of degrees.
The energy that the etheric produce in the stars is so much that the surface emits energy observable and detectable by us, energy of light level, observable by our system of vision.
MegaplasmaThe interior of the stars, with thousands of kilometers of matter, generates so much energy that practically its interior is plasma, -energy with almost material level or very energized matter.
Only a few hundred kilometers from the surface of the stars are formed by material atoms.
On Earth the layer near the center, about 5,000 kilometers, were generated radioactive atoms, non-stable atoms.
In the stars this layer of atoms, radioactive and unstable, is reduced to only a few hundred kilometers, depending on the size of the star this layer of material atoms will be more or less thick.
Larger masses imply more power generation, more temperature, the material layer of atoms will be smaller.
The interior of the stars is more energy than matter and this megaplasm does not expand by the existence of this outer layer, by those few kilometers of atoms of matter, that layer of atoms and gravity prevents the expansion of megaplasma.
What is the maximum size of masses in the universe?
An increase in the size of the star, increase of mass, implies an increase of energy production, and with it an increase of temperature in the surface and also a decrease of the layer of atoms of matter of its surface.
To reach a maximum size, the great mass is all megaplasma, there are no atomic structures that retain the expansion and what this giant mass does is expand, not explode, only spread.
The expansion of a mega mass of plasma emits energy at its maximum level.
Once away from the great mass, the ratio of neutral ether and energy ether changes, as the neutral ether increases, some of the expanding material becomes matter.
The emission of energy covers all aspects, but much of that large amount of expanding energy returns to become matter that will be: ions, meteorites, asteroids, moons, planets.
The expansion of this mega mass decreases the total volume of mass thereby allowing the values of neutral ether and energy ether to re-generate a layer of mass with atomic structures that again will impede the free expansion of plasma.
When the expansion disappears, the newly formed masses are attracted by the gravity of this great mass, it increases again in size and returns to become a ball of energy in expansion.
The expansion cycle and then blocking will repeat again until the size of the mega-structure can be reduced to a stable size.